New Scouts/Parents
We are Scouts BSA Scout Troops 69B and 69G, based in Louisville, Colorado, and chartered by the Tri-City Elks.
We welcome new members and visitors at any time. For information about joining the troop, please contact one of our Scoutmasters.
We track advancement and hours through scoutbook, a very useful tool to help us communicate and keep track of merit badges (
The information on this page is intended to help our new Scouts and parents learn about our Troop and the Scouts BSA program in general. If you have a question and do not find the answer here, please let us know by emailing one of the troop leaders.
Troop Handbook:
The most basic information is in our Troop Handbook. This is intended for both Scouts and parents and should answer a lot of questions.
Training is required for each parent that has a son/daughter in the troop. A account is required for all training. This can be done online and does not take a large time commitment.
The following training is required for parents that have scouts enrolled in the troop. Training requirements depend on whether a parent is participating as a parent or as a committee member or as a scout leader:
All Parents -
Youth Protection Training
Each Parent Who Camps With Troop –
Hazardous Weather
Recommended (we need 2 CPR / First Aid certified parents for each campout):
CPR / First Aid (register through AHA or American Red Cross).
Committee Member –
Youth Protection Training
Before First Meeting
Troop Committee - Position Trained
Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster –
Youth Protection Training
Before First Meeting
Scoutmaster - First 30 Days
Scoutmaster Specific Training - First 60 Days
Scoutmaster Position Trained
Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills Training
When you complete these trainings please email (preferred) a copy of the certificate to the troop's Committee Chair or bring a copy to a scout meeting.
People always are anxious about purchasing equipment. This troop is well stocked with tents, tarps, cook gear, lanterns, etc. The Chartered Organization has helped us set up this troop so that families & youth should not have to purchase many items.
Personal equipment that will be required for each Scout to attend campouts includes adequate outdoor clothing, including footwear, and a good sleeping bag.
We camp all year round, including 2-3 snow camps where the adequacy of cold weather gear is vital.
We recommend that new Scouts try fair weather camping (spring-summer-fall) before outfitting themselves with winter camping gear.
Before purchasing camping gear for your new Scout, please consult with some of our Adult Leaders who have extensive experience with camping gear designed for all four seasons. They can also recommend several ways to purchase the right gear at good prices using discounts that are available to Scouts.
There are specific requirements that need to be addressed prior to camping with the troop.
CPR training is a prerequisite for scouts who are doing water sports at summer camp including canoeing, sailing, swimming, etc.
Scouts can obtain CPR training and also get many (if not all) of their first aid advancement completed by taking a First Aid course.
Each campout requires that we have 2 adults that are First Aid/ CPR certified. Please consider getting this training so we can support our youth by having enough certified adults at our campouts.
Health Forms
All Scouts that camp with the troop must have a BSA Health Form filled out.
If you are an Adult that will be camping with the troop, you must fill out a BSA Health Form for yourself.
Weekend campouts only require Parts A and B of this form to be filled out (parents can fill out this page).
Week-long campouts (summer camp) and high adventure campouts require Parts A, B, and C of this form (doctor's signature required) filled out.
Health Forms can be turned-in in person or by scanning them in and emailing them to the troop's Health Form Administrator
Always keep a copy of the heath form for your records.
Terminology / Acronyms:
A puzzling thing to new members is always the Scouting lingo or acronyms. Like what is "Rendezvous or Klondike", LPC, OA, etc. Here is a general glossary of Scouting terms to help you figure out what we mean.